Personal Development

What is Sacred

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All of these experiences on the US Tour are happening because of readers like you! This is a donation funded trip, and all donors receive a special shout out at a sacred site. Feel called to support this sacred pilgrimage? You can either donate through Venmo (preferred) to @Stephanie-Seger-1 or PayPal to All donors will receive a special gift from this trip, so be sure to include an address!

What is sacred?

I had a sinking feeling when I first started this US Tour that it wasn’t what I was originally conceiving. When I had originally received the message to visit Sacred Sites all across the United States and do Ceremony at them, I was concerned about the general public and how these ceremonies would be perceived. I was excited about what the Spirits of the Land would say, but concerned about the human counterparts.

This has proven true time and time again. I write this on the day after my Ceremony at Mount Rainier, where the Mountain himself was upset that people have lost touch with the sacred within the Mountain. Many people go to visit Mount Rainier for its aesthetic features, taking in only the surface value of what the Mountain has to offer. They go because of the stunning views, the waterfalls, and the inspiration from which they see. It stirs a deep part of themselves, but yet they ignore it. Just like they ignore the spirit of the mountain.

As an exercise, the Mountain suggested I offer tobacco to people. An easy way to give gratitude. It was obvious that my small crew and I were doing Ceremony. There were several people walking by that stopped and watched, and about 3 people who filmed us singing and praying. When the Ceremony was complete, I stepped out onto the crowded path as person after person walked by me. Many ignored me as I tried to offer tobacco blessings, and several avoided me. Out of the 8 people who I had face to face interaction with, only 2 people took a pinch of tobacco. And I felt that it wasn’t because they wanted to, but because they would feel rude if they didn’t take the offer. Especially because I mentioned the word praying, most likely evoking an age old guilt of something that was ground into them as children to do, but didn’t end up doing as adults.

I tried to stop early because it felt awkward. It seemed as though people were fine with watching, but interacting was so alien. However, the Mountain was insistent that I feel that alienation and that feeling of being ignored. In that moment the Mountain and I had a shared kinship. We were there offering gratitude and beauty, but most humans were too absorbed in their own nature to reach out to “the other”. I understood the message, and felt it deep in my bones. Most people just don’t care. They would rather just see the superficial instead of the deeper nature. They would rather feel comfortable in the known instead of risk being uncomfortable to talk to a stranger about what he/she might be doing.

Contrast to doing the Ceremony at Serpent Mound. I had no one show up that signed up for event tickets, however after the Ceremony I offered tobacco blessings, and every person I offered it to were eager to learn more about praying from the heart and how to offer prayers to the world around them. Most people come to Serpent Mound because the essence of the Sacred has been tended there for generations by a people with traditions. At Mount Rainier, the overwhelming numbers of tourists far outweigh the people who used to see and value the Mountain for what it meant to the people. The sacred has not been tended there, and thus the Mountain has become fickle, sharing her intimacies with the few that choose to honor the Mountain. To Mount Tahoma (Native name given to the mountain), people are insignificant and are just like ants. A minor nuisance and nothing more. He was there before humans and will continue to be there long after.

There was a beautiful moment when I was doing Ceremony at the Devils Tower in Wyoming. The sacredness has been tended by generations, and I felt it as I stepped onto the property. It was interesting being an outsider and giving gifts from another Shamanic Lineage. However, the Spirit of the Land understood the gifting process and I was not able to tap into the essence of the sacred until after I had given my humble gift. It was a private moment that made me cry, even though it was in view of the public. The sacred knows how to protect itself, but gifts given from the heart (especially after an introduction) will always be well received. It is about the honor, the acknowledgement, the respect from one living being to another, and it is about being apart of the gifting process.

Once we dig past the superficial nature of interacting with the world around us, we can find a deeper connection and interrelatedness that helps us feel more whole. Most people can’t put a finger on why they feel so disconnected or why they might feel like something is “missing” from their lives even though they feel they’re doing everything right. You know, the job, the house, the car, the 1.5 kids, etc. From my perspective, I didn’t start feeling truly whole until I touched into the innate sacred all around me. Of course it took a few soul retrieval’s and some personal work to get here because I wasn’t fully present enough in my body due to past trauma. I was legitimately missing parts of myself that could understand the meaning of the word “Sacred” and to tap into the sacred all around. I even had trouble conceiving that the sacred could even be found within myself because I had such little self esteem, and felt so disconnected from “all that is” or the universe/God, whatever you want to call it. When we want to find more meaning in our life, we will start our spiritual path down the road to connect more with the sacred in our daily lives. It’s about tending it within ourselves and acknowledging it, and giving gratitude to it outside of ourselves.

The truth is, that it’s a basic human right to have access to the sacred. But it takes work to be able to feel it viscerally within ourselves. Us humans come by it earnestly because we have had the sacred disconnected by how we were raised, society, and our mainstream culture (well, I can only speak for America). Instead, children get brought up with materialism and consumerism because it’s addictive. They lose sense of what is sacred because if something breaks – it’s replaceable. However, the divine cannot be replaced. If the rivers get polluted with fracking or oil spills, how can we “get a new river”? The mentality most have adopted is non-sustainable. It’s consumer based and not based in a reality that is sustainable.

The sacred is that deep sense of feeling or connection that you cannot put a finger on describing. It’s that feeling of feeling like a kid, looking up at the night sky with wonder and awe. It’s watching a waterfall and going, “Wow!” in appreciation. It’s about standing in that space where there is this unknown or mystery sense about things. That place of not knowing. This place of not knowing is where the magic happens, and where miracles take place. Miracles or the unexplained don’t happen that often because we don’t leave room for it. By tending and honoring the sacred within our own lives, we can connect to that profound depth of sacredness that is within nature all around us. Nature was here before us humans, and by giving gratitude to that which came before us, we honor the circle of life and awaken that seed of true love within ourselves.

Interested in joining us at a public ceremony? Follow our events on Facebook or Meetup. All of our events are free to come to and are run off of donation. If you missed us in your local area, you can view our recorded video excerpts on Facebook, YouTube or the forums. As of right now, Facebook will be your best bet because I haven’t got that great of internet reception to upload onto YouTube or the Forums quite yet.

These Ceremonies and interactions are run off of donation. I have taken a chance and have opened myself up to receiving the kindness of strangers. If you feel called to donate, you can either Venmo (preferred) to @stephanie-seger-1 or paypal Every dollar matters and helps ensure that these Ceremonies continue in a blessed and reciprocal way.

Many blessings to you and yours! Fly high and find the sacred within YOUR life!

Introducing the Soul Compass Path

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Souls Compass Path

We live in a time that is challenging. How do we become the people who can create a sustainable change and transformation in this world? Join Eagle Therapies starting in the fall of 2018 on a 9 day program stretched across 9 months.

This program was specifically crafted and co-created with Spirit to help bring people the basic foundational Shamanic Skills necessary to engage with the world around them in a good way. It doesn’t matter if you are new to this path or have been down the road of several spiritual traditions for decades. Using ancient Shamanic techniques and honoring the ancestors of the worlds traditions, we will engage with Spirit in an age old fashion that has been specifically crafted for this time. This cosmology and teachings are based off of the Cycle Teachings and the Last Mask Community, an authentic and contemporary cosmology which honors the way our ancestors have done it without taking their rituals, ceremonies and culturally appropriating them.

Stephanie Seger has graduated from Mary Tyrtle Rookers 2 year Shamanic Training program and is a current student of Christina Pratt, Shaman, Author, creator of the Why Shamanism Now podcast and Director for the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing. Through Stephanie’s vast life experiences and training, she strives to bring her best to giving her all to this program.

The Soul Compass Path is 6 hours once monthly stretching over 9 months. This program delivers a practical set of tools, techniques, and a way to engage with the more intimate aspects of yourself. If you are new to any type of spiritual exploration, this will hand you the basics. For the more seasoned practitioner, it will provide the framework to deepen your connection with your guidance and allow yourself to hear the song of your soul ever more clearly. This program is dedicated to helping one get out of their own way and step into their power with authenticity, integrity and sovereignty. Learn how to find your own life’s purpose and be able to live it in the world.

Payment is based on sliding scale, negotiated between your own heart and Spirit. Eagle Therapies is just the vessel to deliver this program of self transformation. What is the sacrifice you are willing to make? Suggested sliding scale pricing is $75-$200 per class. Payment due at time of class. Orientation and first class considered “one class”.

What might be a comfortable set of finances for one person might be a large sacrifice to another. Is $100 a night on the town, buying movie tickets and a couple of drinks while dancing? If so, then $100 is not a sacrifice, it is a simple commodity. This is an opportunity to put meaning to the monetary exchange and intentionalize it, not blankly pay with a consumerist mind.

The Spirit world understands the language of sacrifice, and it is up to you to decide what is the right price to pay within your own heart. Use your intuition and measure it with your own truth. It is possible that one month you can pay towards the higher end of the fee, while others it is the lower end. It is also possible that money is no issue at all and $200 per class does not cover the value of what is within the course material itself for you.

*reworded, but basic concept of language attributed to Christina Pratt

For those that prepay for the first class as a deposit before July 31st will receive a personalized Shamanic Healing as a gift. Can be redeemed at a distance. Your own healing starts when the commitment to your own personal healing is made.

We, as a culture, have large wounds around the exchange of money. If you would like more guidance in this arena, a lovely book you can download for free is “Sacred Economics” by Charles Eisenstein. Once you read the book and you feel compelled to gift back, then you can choose to pay for it. The Non-Local Shamanic Community that Stephanie participates in is currently doing a community wide transformation around Love and Money, and obviously it has a large impact on what she is offering to the world. If you want to change something in the world, start with yourself first. Change comes from within.

If you feel very drawn to this course but do not think you can commit to the full 9 month program, then you can choose to save up for at least the first two meetings. It is fine to pay month by month. If finances are a challenge, there is always delving deeper into the material learned and then hopping on to the program next year (yes, we are planning for this to be a repeating yearly program). Once you take the class, the materials and resources from that class will be shared with you, and you can still choose to communicate with your fellow classmates.

Is this program right for you? Read more about it on the Soul Compass Path landing page to check out dates, the syllabus, and other tidbits you might find interesting.

Already feel that this resonates within your bones to take this course? Fill out our application form!

A good resource if you are anxious to get started is through the free, listener supported podcast, Why Shamanism Now. There are over 400 archived hours, and a teaser to what is available both within this course and beyond. A great place to start is the Basics of Living Well series and the specific podcasts below:

You also have access to the archived recordings of the Ancestral Healing Circles and Bi-Weekly Shamanic Journey Groups through the forums.

The song of your soul is calling you.


The world is waiting for your gifts.

Water Blessing Ceremony – Part 1 of 3

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Wow! I am so blessed by the open community that is forming around this US Tour. There has been an interest generated that I am humbled to witness/be apart of. Here is the first of a 3 part Ceremony series called the Water Blessing Ceremony – Coast to Coast Series.

It’s not too late! This Ceremony was recorded for a reason, and the way it was energetically set up means that people can participate at any time as long as they have heart and meaning when they participate. Feel free to pass this Ceremony along to friends or family that might be interested in putting their prayers energetically into that bottle of water that currently holds water from the Potomac River. It’s short, simple and only 30 minutes. Not a lot of “woo woo”, so even people that are new to Ceremony don’t have to be intimidated. It’s as simple as saying why we are grateful for water, and all of the lovely things that water does. Apologies for the airplanes in the background! Will bring the microphone next time so the wind blowing doesn’t affect the sound quality and it will be easier to hear the speaker.

This blog post is the space for the recording, however if you would like to participate in a discussion, feel free to hop on over to the forums.

Interested in more?

Why Go Across the United States for the US Tour?

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As my son and I prepare for our last week in town, the last weekend in town we hosted 3 events. The Eagle Therapies US Tour – Crucible of Transformation happened on Saturday. It was my heartfelt explanation for why I felt called to go across the United States, exposing a little bit more of my personal story. Towards the end I pose some big questions and as a group we discussed what that means for us as a small community – connecting in with larger communities. Feel free to engage in the discussion on the forums.

Other related posts:

Power Objects for US Tour

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If you would like more clarification of what a Power Object is, follow this link.

As most know, Eagle Therapies is going across the United States for the 2018 US Tour. We will be visiting many sacred spots across the Country, and as part of my practice I will have a traveling altar with me that I will set up and break down at every location. Some items are personal, which represent my personal connection to the world around me.  The other category of items that will be on my travel altar are specifically meant for other people and communities.

I’ve already got a good number of people that are willing to contribute their own personal prayers to this traveling altar. I recognize that this US Tour is not just about me. I’m not doing this for self pleasure. I have legitimately been called by Spirit to make a pilgrimage across the United States, and I am asking for your help. I can’t do this alone, because for me to do this alone dictates my Ego being the one driving/motivating this US Tour.

One way that you can participate, is that there will be three events held in Alexandria, VA on June 9th and 10th.

On the 9th, we will be doing a class/discussion about being a crucible of transformation. How does a Shamanic way of life fit into Contemporary times, and how can we go about doing that in community. Join us in Alexandria for Eagle Therapies US Tour – Crucible of Transformation at Soul Space Solutions.

On the 10th, we will have an afternoon Water Blessing Ceremony – Coast to Coast Part 1 of 3 at the Potomac at Jones Point Park. This will be the first part of 3 for a “Coast to Coast” Ceremony series, of tracking water blessings and their movement from the East Coast to the West Coast. Here’s your chance to put your prayers into the water that will be carried across to the Pacific Ocean and back.

Then on the evening of the 10th we have the Ancestral Healing Circle in Alexandria. We will be focused on connecting in with the Great Spirits of the land, as well as asking how we can live a life of legend. What stands in our way? And how do we clear out what stands in our way?

All three events will invite distance participants via Zoom. Feel free to speak your blessings to the Water that we will be collecting from the Potomac River. This water will turn into a power object that will reside on my traveling altar for the duration of the trip. Here is the main page for tracking the Water Blessings as we travel across the United States. Even if you are reading this after June 10th, feel free to still participate in the Ceremony since it will be recorded.

If speaking prayers and holding intentions in the water isn’t enough and you feel drawn to craft a power object, know that I am holding space for that across the United States. Again, this US Tour is not just about me, it’s about humanity and humanities connection to the environment. One of the reasons why I’m doing these “Awakening” Ceremonies is to help ground the transition from the Old Story into the New Story. I am apart of a Non-Local Shamanic community that is global, and we are a student community dedicated to bring forward this change in a good way.

If you are a community leader and you wish to have your community infused with this change/transformation, journey to the spirit of your community over-soul and ask to craft a power object that can be taken on the road with us. Please keep in mind that it should be a small power object. Perhaps a crystal or a feather since I will be carrying a lot of these across the states. A drum is fine or rattle is fine as long as it knows that it will be used/played by many hands. I will also take pictures of your power objects in certain power spots if requested.

If you cannot make it to one of those live events, feel free to mail your Power Objects to me. Email for the address, or call/text 571.306.3197. Please leave a message if you call.

Please keep in mind that this US Tour is going to take a lot of resources. I am readily accepting one time donations or monthly donations. I am also still seeing clients on the road, and am making myself available to do diagnostic journeys and divinations for people. Every contribution that is made goes directly to the success of this US Tour, ensuring safe travel of myself, my son, and these power objects as we visit different communities as well as these Sacred Sites.

Hope to see you either digitally or in person at one of the many events taking place this Summer!

Links you might find useful:

Coast to Coast – Water Blessing Ceremonies

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WaterThis post will be continuously updated specifically for the Water Blessing Ceremonies apart of the “Coast to Coast” series as Eagle Therapies travels across the United States.

Links for more information:

Events will be live streamed using Facebook Live, and you can even participate with Zoom. Here are the events you can follow and participate in:

Water carries in it an innate ability to absorb the energy around it and sent to it. In that, it can carry our prayers and blessings. Eagle Therapies will be traveling across the United States bringing fun, laughter, and Ceremony along the way. Eagle Therapies is based out of the tri-state area, and the Potomac River is a local source of nourishment and natural source of water. It also directly feeds and nourishes Washington DC. With all the Potomac River does for us in helping cleanse the Nations Capital, we should also give back! Eagle Therapies will be taking some water from the Potomac River, infusing it with our blessings, and then taking it across the United States and into the Puget sound at Part 2 of the “Coast to Coast” series.

At Part 2 of this Ceremony Series, we will be intentionally pouring out the prayers and the blessings so that ocean can meet ocean once again through the hands of a thousand prayers. We will be keeping some water from the original Ceremony, and for Part 3, be bringing it back to the same spot and pouring all of the blessings and prayers back into the Potomac.

Across our adventures, we will be visiting many sacred spots and visiting many natural sources of water/springs. Some of which include the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Lake Powell, Serpent Mound, Cahokia Mounds, Mount Ranier, Mount Shasta, and so much more. All of the places we will visit, we will be placing this blessed water onto our altar (focal point for spiritual intention). So that means that each individual blessing or gratitude that you gift to that water will be traveling across the country and back. Wouldn’t you like to be apart of a change bigger then yourself?

Join us, either in person or via Zoom. Even if you missed the live presentation and you’re seeing the collection of this after this has all passed – you can still add your prayers! Watch the recordings and set up sacred space as if you are actually there with us. Let’s hold hands together and be the change in the world we are looking for.

Events run by donation, and your contributions help keep these events free. You can either make a 1 time donation, or choose to donate monthly for some pretty awesome perks.

Interested in participating in some of the Ceremonies? Here is a previously recorded and completed Water Blessing Ceremony done at the Takoma Park Earth Day.

Full Ceremony

Returning the Water back to the Potomac River

What is a power object?

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Plenty of people have heard me talk about power objects and why they are so significant. The basic definition of a power object that was explained to me, is any object that we use with intention for a specific purpose. In a way, a toothbrush or glasses can be looked at as a type of daily power object that we use and they are very important to us because we have a specific amount of personal energy invested in those objects. Hence why sometimes it’s easier for us to “track” where we’ve lost our glasses as opposed to other objects, because they carry more significance for us.

cropped-Header.jpgA shamanic power object is an object created through intention and prayer. It can be as simple as a few choice words written onto a piece of paper before you burn it for a one time use. It can manifest as concretely as a drum or rattle, to work with throughout the course of a lifetime – potentially passed down to the next generation. It can be something that already exists, like a gemstone, crystal, or scarf. The point that gets made with a shamanic power object is the amount of energy that is invested by both yourself and Spirit. Often times, a spirit of something will be blown into a power object. This is how the object feels “alive”, because it literally takes on a life of its own. When the spirit of the power object has served its purpose and moved on, typically the power object will break or crack in some way – thus releasing the spirit. The spirit within the power object generally needs to be honored in some fashion, especially if it is a sacred power object.

Common examples of Shamanic Power Objects:

  • Eye curtain to help assist with journeying. Every time you would put on this eye curtain, it helps you get to and maintain a specific altered state of consciousness. Typically these are handmade and can easily be made by folding a bandanna in half and then cutting them so it has that fringe on the bottom.
  • A Mask of your helping spirit – to help with embodying that specific helping spirit.
  • Staff or Walking Stick – This will help one connect more with the “world tree” to make travel easier between realms of Non-Ordinary reality.
  • Shamanic Regalia – All of the above can be categorized as part of a Shamanic Practitioners regalia. This helps them embody their own helping spirits or the energies they want to work with on a more intimate level. This helps us ground into the middle world, because that’s where our physical bodies are. Other aspects of Shamanic Regalia include scarves, rings, jewelry, etc. They can either be hand crafted or inherited already assembled. More information below.
  • Drum or Rattle – These are power objects that are typically their own being. They sometimes only want to come out for sacred events or ceremonies. Please don’t touch another persons drum or rattle unless they invite you to. This is another reason why sometimes people keep their drums back and away from the circle unless they are holding it. Some drums people have made by themselves, and are sacred. Typical unspoken language includes covering a drum or rattle to denote its sacredness, so that others don’t touch that particular power object. There are some that are more friendly then others.

Working with pre-made power objects

You can get the call from Spirit to craft your own power objects, such as necklaces, bracelets, eye curtains, and potentially drums or rattles. There is such an empowerment to making something and co-creating it with Spirit. But what happens if you have an heirloom that has been gifted to you? A carving of an animal that you didn’t make?

Sometimes power objects already have power and they need to find their next home. These things are often very mysterious to people that don’t know much about the background or history of power objects. When a particularly sensitive person picks up an object, they can feel into the energy an object and feel the emotions or energy of what is within the object. That’s why it is important that if a particular power object doesn’t want that energy in them anymore, it is released in a good way. Even if you can’t feel the power within it. Don’t just assume what you need to do for this power object. This is an active state of “listening” that takes our other senses to pick up what exactly needs to be done.

Did you ask your helping spirit for a way to connect with them a lot easier then journeying? Then get a gift of a owl trinket to put on your keys from a friend that “thought of you” and got it? This is very common. And it’s also recommended to cleanse the object before you really begin working more intimately with it.

If journeying is a skill you possess, then feel free to journey to the spirit of what is already there (if you pick something up) and ask for it to show you how to release it (if that is what is called for), or how to begin working with it. Make sure to keep checking your truth cord to see if this is something that resonates with you, or perhaps if this Power Object is meant to go to someone else.

rockpileSometimes power objects can be much more simpler then that. A simple stone picked up from the beach, woods, or desert might be a great power object to help you connect in with a particular Spirit of the Land. While there in a power spot, feel the draw of that particular rock that wants to help assist you in connecting with the land. If you get a “No”, please do not take and respect the answers you get from nature. If you do get a “Yes”, then give gratitude and sprinkle some tobacco, cornmeal, or gift an offering of a song. Giving gratitude is important, because that helps keep the flow of Ayni alive.

Working with rocks, gemstones or crystals can be a wonderful way to create a power object. Something to be mindful of, is that most rocks, and crystals already have a living spirit within them, so you have to ask permission from the item if they would like to embody the energy. Most of the time you will get a yes, but it’s always polite to ask.

Sometimes we need help releasing toxic thoughts, or a reminder of something that aligns with our true path. A gemstone or crystal is the perfect being to ask if they will help embody an energy so we can connect with it easier and draw it closer to us. For example, if we are going through a particularly tough time, we can ask a stone to embody the energy of Forgiveness so that we can have compassion for ourselves and be mindful of this whenever we pick up the rock. Another power object that I interact with daily is a crystal that represents true love for me. Sometimes it has been prescribed to clients of mine to have a stone that represents Sovereignty as a reminder that they are whole and complete beings, and to hold that energy daily to remind themselves that they have the ability to stand within their own power and not be afraid.

This is why it is helpful to have an altar practice. This doesn’t have to be long, but power objects make it easier to be able to place them in a spot that we have already declared as sacred space. Because if we make room for the sacred in our lives, the sacred will happily meet us there. It is our responsibility to tend the sacred within ourselves, and also be responsible for our connections to the greater web of life. Living a Shamanic life is about living in right relationship with the world around you. It’s not about how many connections or relationships you have, but the depth of them.

If you’ve got a busy life that is very full, it holds a lot of meaning that you spend about 5-10 minutes praying in the same spot daily. This is how we stay connected, empowered, and apart of the greater universe. Power objects make it a lot easier, but with this, it is a responsibility to take care of them.

Funny story, I’ve got a badger power animal, and he helps me with specific tasks in Non-Ordinary Reality. I’ve been told in a journey about 2-3 years ago that I needed to find a power object for him. Lo-and behold – My housemate got him at a store, and I did a simple “awakening” Ceremony just by playing around with him, chewing on his figurine paws, and other things. The power object also found me. It was simple, easy, and didn’t take a lot of time to imbue this figurine with power. But I put a lot of feeling into it. Now that this figurine is a power object, it sometimes ends up disappearing and I don’t know where it goes. When I hear a scream or shout from either my son or my housemate, I know that the badger has been found. It has a mind of its own, and sometimes the losing and finding of the power object is something that is able to help me find a deeper meaning or message without traveling into Non-Ordinary Reality because the energy of badger is within that power object.

If you’re really intrigued by this topic and you would like more support, there is this wonderful guide by Evelyn Rysdyk called, “A Spirit Walkers Guide to Shamanic Tools: How to Make and Use Drums, Masks, Rattles, and Other Sacred Implements “. You can purchase the book here.

Have fun with this. It’s a lot easier then you think 🙂

May 16th – SJG

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This topic is about self pity, as well as pitying others. What happens energetically when pity happens? Sandra Ingerman says that when you pity another person, you are robbing a person of their power. It marginalizes and only acknowledges the wounded aspect of a person instead of seeing them in their whole-ness.

If you would like to comment or post your results, feel free to post your results down below. If you would like to see other recorded journey topics, feel free to visit the archives.

May 2nd – SJG

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What are the hidden components to some of our choices and decisions? Through this suggested journey topic we explore this and a varying other few subtle aspects that could be influencing our behavior.

If you would like to comment on this post, please feel free to share your insights/things here on this post! If you would like to see the archive of Shamanic Journeys, click here.

May 2018 AHC

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Hey everyone! My website is kind of wonky at the moment and it won’t let me upload videos directly to the forums. Here is the recording for this months Ancestral Healing Circle:

If you would like to post your results, questions or comments, please redirect them over to the topic in the forums.

This Ancestral Healing Ceremony was specifically about inheriting the patterns of shame and guilt from our Ancestral lines. This shame or guilt motivates us to be a certain way, fitting into a box instead of allowing ourselves to be authentic in the world. We dive a little deeper into what Ancestral Healing means as well as how to tap into that first layer around it.