October 2018

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Some might have noticed that things have been slower then normal here at Eagle Therapies. We aren’t doing as many events, and we also haven’t been sending out newsletters as often as we used to. Thank you everyone for your patience as we turn the wheel and rediscover who we are.

Underground EntranceThis month we will be focusing on the Ancestors since it is that time of year. There is a separation between this physical reality world, and the realm of the dead, and that veil is thin at this time. Hence why our Shamanic Journey Groups and Ancestral Healing Circle will be hyper-cognizant about this as we weave our circles this month. Now that we have streamlined our distance options, you can participate even if you’re not even in Virginia! Join us via Facebook Live for suggested journey topics, and message if you will be participating via Zoom so we can know whose coming to participate. We are currently in the process of dismantling our forums, so you can directly comment on the recorded posts that we make available. Or you can comment on our Facebook groups for the Ancestral Healing Circle or Shamanic Journey Groups.

Here are the dates and topics as follows:

October 7th: Ancestral Healing Circle – The theme of the month will be “playing small”. What parts of ourselves did we have to shove away into our margins because we had to “fit in”. And how much of this is what our Ancestors have passed down to us?

October 9th: Bi-Weekly Journey Group – Difference between ghosts and ancestral helping spirits. We will dive into this topic and see what is coming up for us during this time.

October 20th: Monthly Journey Group – This evening we will be doing two journeys. The container will be strongly reinforced by those who have gone before us. We won’t have a suggested journey topic, so feel free to bring your own!

October 23rd: Bi-Weekly Journey Group – Our relationship with grief. What are we afraid to grieve, and how can we release grief that we didn’t know was in us?

May we be the answer to the prayers of our ancestors

What chya got to say?

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