Directory of Posts

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This page is meant to be a directory to all of the main things on this website (since people have told me they get lost since there’s so much information here now).

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The amount of posts that are on this website have been growing slowly over time. These are some of the main posts and I often refer clients or new people in general to some of the “main” blog posts.

Journey Track Outlines
Brief summary: The most popular thing that I teach is Shamanic Journeying. I hold a Shamanic Journeying course when the demand is high, and many people have approached me that they would like to begin journeying on their own at home. This post is meant to help guide and walks you through the first steps of learning how to Journey, and then goes through all the next parts that will help expand your own inner world.
Words: 2,500 words (but if you’re a beginner, just start with the first 500 words)
Average read time: 9 minutes (for the whole article)

Strengthening our connection to Spirit Guides
Brief summary: The core principle of Shamanism centers around our Helping Spirits. When we dive into a superficial layer of acknowledgement with our Spirit Guides, we tend to fall into a false sense of security. This article is geared toward people who are a little more serious in wanting to deepen their connection to their Helping Spirits.
Words: 2,600 words
Average read time: 9 minutes

Transformative and useful articles recommended to anyone browsing this site:

What is Energetic Health
Brief summary: For those interested in starting to learn about maintaining and cultivating their energy body hygiene. We take showers for our physical body, what type of support do we offer our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies?
Words: 1,700 words
Average read time: 6 minutes

Energy Bucket Meditations
Brief Summary: Follow up to Energy Body Hygiene. In case people want to apply the knowledge of the energetic health to their every day practice.
Words: 250 words
Average Read: 1 minute

Change and Transformation
Brief Summary: Many people don’t grasp the fundamental difference between change and transformation. A lot of people seek transformation, but when they don’t see the immediate gratification of their choices, they resort back to the way they used to be. With change, you can always change back. Transform, and you can’t fathom being the same person again. This is the basis of getting started on our path in terms of healing our self.
Words: 2,400 words
Average read time: 9 minutes

Creating a Container for Transformation
Brief Summary: After one takes the step of acknowledging the difference between change and transformation, one often ponders, “Well how do I transform? And what are the steps to do that?” In this blog post we explore the ingredients to making a transformation happen, as well as the spontenaiety it needs in order to be successful.
Words: 2,600 words
Average read time: 10 minutes

Shamanic Healing for Veterans
Brief Summary: We give great gratitude to those who have served in the armed forces. They help ensure our freedom/national security. Often when they come back from a war zone, they often will be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is something that is very serious, and integrating back into normal every day reality can be a hard adjustment. This article raises a question and offers support and hope for those that are being affected by PTSD.
Words: 1,400 words
Average read time: 5 minutes

Walk With Buffalo
Brief Summary: I had a near death experience in February of 2017. This is a detailed account as well as some insights from being so close to the veil. It’s about the reasons why I chose to stay, because I was given a choice if I wanted to stay here in this world, or to continue to pass on.
Words: 2,400 words
Average read time: 9 minutes

Purity and the Elements 2016
Brief Summary: A brief look at a cosmology based around elements and how they can metaphorically echo our lives.
Words: 1,600 words
Average read time: 6 minutes

Purity and the Elements 2017
Brief Summary: Updated version of the topics we will be exploring for the first half of 2017.
Words: 1,900 words
Average read time: 7 minutes

Earth as a Teacher
Brief Summary: Expansion on Purity and the Elements. Goes into what the earth element represents as well as how it can be a useful introspective tool which helps us clarify our boundaries, stability, and ability to flourish
Words: 2,100 words
Average read time: 8 minutes

Inspiration and Air
Brief Summary: Expansion on Purity and the Elements. Many people are in excess of this element, and dive too much into their mental wisdom body. This leaves people prone to anxiety, headaches, and even migraines. Learn how to come into good relationship with this element.
Words: 1,800 words
Average read time: 7 minutes

Fire and Passion
Brief Summary: Expansion on Purity and the Elements. Explains the inter-connectedness of all of the elements, and why paying attention to all four wisdom bodies makes a difference.
Words: 2,100 words
Average read time: 8 minutes

Labyrinth Walking
Brief Summary: Ever wonder why walking a labyrinth can be very therapeutic? Here I share my insight on why I find labyrinth walking helpful, and how it differs from other meditations.
Words: 950 words
Average read time: 5 minutes

Personal Anecdotes

These are articles that I have written that are from a personal standpoint in regards to my own life and how I apply these principles directly to how I live.

Growing Jan 28th, 2021
Brief Summary: Why I’ve gone silent over this winter, and some reflections of being in the stillness.
Words: 1,200 words
Average read time: 5 minutes

Balls of Clay March 25th, 2020
Brief Summary: Small reflections of personalities while I went to go install solar panels on the reservations in 2020.
Words: 750 words
Average read time: 3 minutes

Living Energy Lights January 7th, 2020
Brief Summary: A brief announcement about what trouble I’ve gotten myself into while living in an intentional community.
Words: 1,100 words
Average read time: 4 minutes

Dandelion Seed October 11th, 2019
Brief Summary: A challenging time in my life offers beautiful messages from the natural world around me to help me cope.
Words: 750 words
Average read time: 4 minutes

Standing RockNov 19th, 2016
Brief Summary: The Standing Rock movement has been very near and dear to my heart. I have attended the protests in DC, and many people ask me why I stand with Standing Rock. This blog post is the reason why, among many other personal reasons.
Words: 2,500 words
Average read time: 14 minutes

Travel to Standing RockMarch 2nd 2017
Brief Summary: These list the reasons why I went to Standing Rock, as well as a brief update on what is going on over there, as well as an asking for donations.
Words: 1,200 words
Average read time: 4 minutes

Synopsis of Standing Rock – April 1st, 2017
Brief Summary: This is actually written by my teacher, but I also put in my two cents here and there of what happened.
Words: 2,200 words
Average read time: 8 minutes

Little Bear Chronicles
The Little Bear Chronicles are a series of blog posts that I have written because people were interested in how I raise my son. His first power animal that came to him was a Bear, and since then he has been named my Little Bear, even though (as with all children) their power animals change/grow over time with them. This is the link to the directory of those posts and my experience with raising a child with a more Shamanic upbringing/way of looking at life.

Washing the Dishes
Brief Summary: A basic look at energy work and how it can be integrated into every day life.
Words: 800 words
Average read time: 4 minutes

I did publish an article for the Society of Shamanic Practice, and if you’re interested you can see my overall scope of working with my son in a shamanic way.

Words: 2,700 Reading time: 9-10 mins

These are the tales of Little Bear that are on this website:

The introduction, and difference of listening with your heart instead of your head.

Words: 700      Average reading time: 4 minutes

The importance of maintaining relationships, and how if these relationships are not fostered they are not as strong. It can appear as though we “Get Lost” at times.

Words: 750          Average reading time: 4-5 minutes

A beautiful little story about appreciating the things that we have, and what that feels like from the perspective of a 7 year old.

Words: 600          Average reading time: 3-4 minutes

Lessons about being in the moment, and how sometimes “sorry” doesn’t fix things. Realizations on my own behalf as my role as a parent in his learning development.

Words: 1200          Average reading time: 7-8 minutes

How a few months away from living a spiritual path can affect a wee one, as well as how they choose to come back when they’re ready.

Words: 1200     Average read time: 7-8 minutes

  • April 22nd, 2019 – Stacking Rocks
  • A short snippet of when we went hiking. A beautiful little read about how when we slow down we can listen to nature around us.
  • Words: 500 Average read time: 2 minutes

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3 thoughts on “Directory of Posts

    X said:
    November 29, 2020 at 7:31 pm

    What do the rainbow colors of the eagle stand for?

      Eagle Therapies responded:
      January 28, 2021 at 11:49 pm

      They stand for the colors of the 7 chakras. They also happen to stand for the colors of the rainbow, which to me represent embracing diversity.

    Wolf Grief Ritual « Eagle Therapies said:
    November 15, 2022 at 11:29 am

    […] Directory of Posts […]

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