Little Bear Chronicles: Directory of posts

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The series of blog posts that I write called the “Little Bear Chronicles” are based off of my experiences of raising a son with an aware and open spirituality. I know it was a possibility that I might face criticism and harsh judgement from closed minded people – but so many have come to me telling me that they are inspired by our story. That drive to get our story out there and to share our experiences to connect to others, is what is fueling this series of posts.

My son has come to be known as Little Bear, and I am the Momma Bear. These aliases will be for those on the internet that these stories leak out to. I am well aware of the power of the Internet, so if you know us, please be respectful and don’t mention his real name on these blog posts. When I started writing these, he was seven and he gave me consent to share our stories and experiences. Besides, for a while his dream was to be a YouTube star.

The reason why I’m documenting these chronicles is because Little Bear is so full of pure wealth and knowledge, and raising my child in a profoundly sick society is hard. There’s a lot of injustice, fear, and harsh judgement and I can’t protect him from it all. The least I can do, is to begin to teach him how to protect and care for himself, so then when Momma Bear is not around – he is empowered and not enabled. The lessons I teach him are lessons of love, and sometimes it’s tough love. I feel as though whenever I share with him some of the teachings I want to pass down, his reactions are just as wise and he gifts me with an intelligence that is untouched and pure. I’m doing the best that I can, to the best of my ability. Together we push each other to grow in ways that a child and Mother should.

I did publish an article for the Society of Shamanic Practice, and if you’re interested you can see my overall scope of working with my son in a shamanic way.

Words: 2,700 Reading time: 9-10 mins

These are the tales of Little Bear that are on this website:

The introduction, and difference of listening with your heart instead of your head.

Words: 700      Average reading time: 4 minutes

The importance of maintaining relationships, and how if these relationships are not fostered they are not as strong. It can appear as though we “Get Lost” at times.

Words: 750          Average reading time: 4-5 minutes

A beautiful little story about appreciating the things that we have, and what that feels like from the perspective of a 7 year old.

Words: 600          Average reading time: 3-4 minutes

Lessons about being in the moment, and how sometimes “sorry” doesn’t fix things. Realizations on my own behalf as my role as a parent in his learning development.

Words: 1200          Average reading time: 7-8 minutes

How a few months away from living a spiritual path can affect a wee one, as well as how they choose to come back when they’re ready.

Words: 1200     Average read time: 7-8 minutes

  • A short snippet of when we went hiking. A beautiful little read about how when we slow down we can listen to nature around us.
  • Words: 500 Average read time: 2 minutes

    This will be updated as more blog posts get added. Stay tuned for more adventures!

    Original drawing and outline done by Stephanie Seger. Stippling and detail done by Traci Hylton.

    One thought on “Little Bear Chronicles: Directory of posts

      LBC: Unconditional Love « Eagle Therapies said:
      November 15, 2017 at 8:48 am

      […] It’s been a while since I wrote anything for the Little Bear Chronicles. I’ve grown up as much as my son has grown up. For those interested in reading previous tales of raising a child while being more spiritually aware, feel free to visit the Chronicles. […]

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